His Kids too, Missions

Monday, January 29, 2007

When Storm Clouds Billow...

II Timothy 4:17 But the Lord stood by me and gave me strength.... I was rescued....

When you stand alone, and troubles seem more than you can bare,
Turn your eyes towards our Lord....softly lift up your sincerest prayer.
Even when you're alone in the darkness.... and you fight your deepest doubt.
While sinking in the deepest pit.... and you simply cannot find a way out.
Your heart aches with pain....your tears flow even when you try to suppress.
Your body cries out for help.... your mind screams for answers to erase this mess.
Breathe deeply and quietly ....but give it up to our Master, for He is so devine.
For truly he Will bring your hearts desire..... but in His own way and time.
Our ways are not His.... and He forever is carrying the perfect little key.
He unlocks for us many treasures... but often most of which we cannot see.
He's promised to take care of us... and our many blessings are unearned.
We just have to pray, be faithful..... and His light will quickly return.
Our storm clouds will soon blow away....drifting with the wind
We will soon smile, shout in joy,..... yes, laugh out loud, just because of Him.
He restores the broken hearted........He does miracles beyond all extremes,
He is our Providence, Lord and Protector.... and returns us to our hopes and dreams.

Why do I write the above....
Because I have been there....
many, many times and He proves that He Is Truth, He Is Love, He Is our Savior.



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