Wow, it's nice to be loved...I think...
After two bouts of almost deadly cancer (doctors words, not mine)....I really think of myself as a special Miracle... that God has blessed many, many times throughout my lengthy years. I survived the first cancer now 12 years ago, when doctors said I was within in two hours of seeing my Lord face to face.
The second time, they told me to 'prepare---get everything in order',........ sign this waiver that you won't sue..... if you don't make it through this experimental surgery and treatment.
And yes, praise God...thanks to my hundreds of dedicated Prayer Warriors and family members....a year later...I am alive and doing well------HOORAY!!!-------or so I thought, until I got a telephone call last night.... where someone very dear was calling to check on me.... because she had just found out that...... 'I WAS ON A DONORS LIST for a new liver or kidney'. " A Donors Lists".......
sayyyy whaat? Holy cow, mercy me.... I'm on a donors list...and no body has told me??? hummmm. Did I miss one of my seven oncologists appointment or conferences? Did I go to sleep for a year and just now ...I just woke up? ~~~~ Help, somebody clue me in, here. VanWinkle, huh???
Now, I have to say....I truly LOVE and appreciate alll my awesome friends, family and prayer warriors...without them I promise you....I really would not be here....but THANK YOU, FATHER.... because of YOU.... I don't think that I am anywhere on a 'Donors List"??????????
Now, after so many drugs... maybe I have a problem here & don't even know it ...when was I ever put on a donors list. Think hard. Drugs are pretty powerful now..... : ) ....... (maybe it could be for a brain...if they are able to do that.... but liver...kidney??? ) I don't think so......
Honestly...and....humbly, I most gratefully say, "no thanks', I have had plenty....
I don't believe I care to have another helping of unsolicited surgical pain. I have enough scars to last a lifetime. aurrrg.......... : (
But I have to say that I feel very Honored to have someone, somewhere to CARE enough to add me to such a worthy list....just in case. ~~~~~~ That is so thoughtful and I love em dearly but yes, dear ones---who ever you are, where ever you are...., I think for the time being....I will try my best to pass by this nice little compliment.~~~~ha ha ha~~~~~~~~ : )
Seriously tho.....things like this really do make you humble and grateful. Bring a smile and friendly chuckle...because SOME one really was so concerned---or has hearing worse than mine. ha ha And maybe.... possibly...... even God wanted me to 'look' to where I COULD be instead of where He awesomely placed me! I love you, Lord, Selah..... Gratefully, I am Your child, Gloria
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