His Kids too, Missions

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Yesterday was so utterly beautiful and unseasonably SPRING time, that I bought a bunch of bulbs for planting at our patio. Late in the afternoon, I sat with my cats and my neighbors beautiful dog,a giant Great Perinese, at my feet enjoying the warmth of the awesome sunshine. (my hands and feet stay cold these days). :-(

After reading the 'planting' instructions of my new bulbs, I realized that it was a bit too soon to plant them. Light bulb---it's not GOD'S TIME. HE rules even 'Mother Nature' ya know. ha ha :)

Then I remembered what Jesus said in the book of Mark about planting seeds...because we use these Scriptures a lot in presentations that I do at various churches and groups about missions and starting new churches.

We have had the neat joy of helping start three different local Cowboy churches in Central Texas---usually by giving them cases of Bibles for starters, as we have done for years for the thousands of kids in prisons & detention centers in our state (age 10-20).

I dearly LOVE both kinds missions...planting seeds/or Bibles if you will...yet not always getting to see the harvest...

That's God's Job...
hummmmm (lest some would forget... hummm)ha (not meant to offend anyone but some of my blog-reading friends know exactly what I mean..ha ha):-)

The kids in prison...are in a captured situation and audience; lonely, rejected, rebellious, but amazingly willing to listen 'for a way out'...or a change from their present pain...'a HOPE ROPE is what I teasingly say to break the ice each night. They seem to love it.

Yet the Cowboy church (and even one INDIAN church...not India...but Indian) is totally different and still amazing....but yet also some of the same similarities.

Most are also, sort of rebellious and somehow in life have been made to 'feel different'....sometimes by their own choices...and again like incarcerated kids...by things that they culturally didn't have a lot of control over---but it DID effect their lives physically, mentally, spiritally and emotionally.

For the greater part...these are folks who would NEVER set foot inside the doors of a regular church service...church house...tent revival or brush arbor. :-)

But say the word.... "Cowboy"....and they feel OK..."hey, that's for me!

(If pastors of 'Regular churches' sometimes feel 'put upon' by their congregation...it would be beneficial if....they could work one week as the pastor of a flock of 'very STRONG WILLED...minded'.... Cowboys and Cowgirls. Whew!)

Beautiful people....yes, God's people...but due to tough or unusual backgrounds, past/even present issues and personal agenda's the average pastor would BEG the Lord to keep themselves in a 'regular...church. (please...this is said with 'tongue in cheek,) BOTH kinds of Pastors and churches are so greatly needed. CHURCH PLANTING comes in many different kinds...but the message is the SAME --to see Christ make the changes. You and I are just his called messengers....and what a joy when it happens! Wow.

Yesterday morning, I was with 100+ pastors and missionaries attending a regular conference at Baylor's Truett Seminary and I came across the following story that I'd like to share & bless somebody's/your day. I thought it was rather neat.

"One day an old Monk was walking down the road and he found a beautiful and most valuable jewel/stone. He put it in his bag. He met a man down the road who begged for money. The old Monk opened his bag. The other man saw the beautiful stone and he asked the Monk 'if you don't have any money, I'll take that pretty stone'.

Immediately the old Monk handed the man the stone. The man walked away, overjoyed at his new treasure.

A few days the man CAME BACK to the old Monk...and handed him BACK his beautiful stone. The old Monk was puzzled and asked, "Why did you give it back?'

The man looked him in the eyes and said, ''because kind sir, I want you to tell me 'HOW YOU were ABLE to give away the only treasure that you have'.

Moral(my words...): Giving of your treasures is the greatest gift that you can give. Be it your TIME, ENERGY, WISDOM, KINDNESS, UNDERSTANDING, A LISTENING EAR, or planting the SEEDS of Jesus Christ...even just reflecting him to the world....at the mall...in the traffic...in the grocery store.... or local Wal-mart. Church planting...is really..... CHRIST PLANTING.~~~~~~~~~~ :-)

As I enjoyed that warm sunshine yesterday evening, I thought to myself....to me, our mission work (or anybody's) is like the above story. The greatest joy comes from planting seeds/sharing what you have already received--- You don't have to have a lot..and nope, we may never live to see the BLOOMS...

Because only God sends the rains, the sunshine....after we plant/give/share/work. We are just the Sower...He is the Master GARDENER...and All is 'In His time'.

I love to use the following in presentations and people are always asking for copies. I think it is very fitting as a closing, so I hope you like it.

I call it.... "to be young..."

To be young is to study in schools...that you did not build.
To be mature is to build schools.... in which you will not study.

To be young is to swim in pools.... you did not dig.
To be mature is to dig pools.... in which you will not swim.

To be young is to sit under trees...which you did not plant.
To be mature is to plant trees...under which you will not sit.

To be young is to Dance to music...which you did not write..
To be mature is to write music...to which you will not dance.

Lastly: Church planting...Sharing Christ..

To be young is to Benefit from a Church...which you did not make.
To be mature is to Make a Church...which you will not benefit from.
(you do it for others...and His Glory and Kingdom)

BE A SOWER of His Seeds---Mark 1-14.
Let it be: For Him.....to them....
To God be all Glory, Honor and Praise!!! Blessings to you!


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