His Kids too, Missions

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Celebrate TODAY....And Everyday!

This is a day of very MIXED emotions for me.

The Texas sunshine is beaming down so beautifully and it's to be an awesomely perfect warm day in the middle of Winter. A blessing that most anyone dearly treasures, (especially me, as I am not a Winter person...I love all the new seasons as they approach but Autumn is my favorite.)

But even with the beauty and unusual warmth of this awesome day...a part of my heart is aching...because yesterday....my dear old friend, mentor and Christian humorist left this earth...met Jesus face to face.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-9, clearly reminds us that 'For everything there is a SEASON, and a time for every matter under heaven... A time to be born...and a time to die---time to weep and time to laugh.

Yesterday....At 90 years of age, my beloved old Pastor, close, close friend died from this life to finally receive his promised reward. Wow, how wonderful that we believers will never suffer again...no more cancer from 'top of head to bottom of the feet'....no more needles, no more knives...no more tears, sorrow...or guilt for feeling you are the reason for anothers tears...in their love and caring for you. Justified REWARD, hooray...music to sooth every part of the soul...getting to SEE loved ones again...Wow...what JOY, Peace,......hope....all because of JESUS!

Today, tho I AM VERY HAPPY that John is not suffering anymore.... I also hurt for ....my friend...his beloved little wife,.... who now quietly sits stoic, with a Godly presence and awesome example of 'Grace'....ALONE. ...... :-(

I love her as well and ache for her pain and loss.

Millions of beautiful flowers, floral bouquets, ....awesome CARDS....laden with heartfelt writings of encouragement and scriptures, so many visiting friends......all seem lost..... amid the vastness of being ....ALONE.

Tons of hugs mean so much....but it cannot take away........being ALONE.

(so many of my widow friends (& widowers) have told me...."there is absolutely no greater loneliness or unspeakable pain....as that of a Lifelong soul mate....no words for that word...ALONE.

Even tho we all know that ...."When we are at our weakest---God is at HIS strongest"....then and only then....can we endure the loneliness without the earthly, God chosen, LifeMate. (today.....my friend is trying so hard....)

Today, to my other dear friends who read my blog.....please simply.... take time to add my friend (along with all widows and widowers) to your daily prayer list. As we each KNOW...our prayer...is Gods link to THEIR Hurting HEARTS.

If YOU are also a widow, like my friend this morning....please know that I am praying for you. ...for your enjoyment of God's most radiant rays.... of His....SONlight on this beautiful day...today and everyday. May there be JOY in our mourning....and in thee Morning, TODAY! May we all lean, learn and reflect HIS Glory to others in their need.

Thank you each for being my friend...(for you are my earthly joy and treasure). May we all join together to help each other through the rough roadways and darkned pathways of this life. Jesus promised 'If I go and prepare a place for you...I will return for you' Wow!!!

And I can't wait to see Brother John up there....to hear his beautiful voice.... his laughter..... and his funny JOKES. (He probably met St. Peter with one when he walked up to the gate!!! ha ha)

God bless you this day....and everyday. (...You and I hold the key to someone else's happiness each day, .....our prayers unlock the door.) Luvya....g

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Summer Sounds in MidWinter COLD....

Since we are in the MidWinter COLD...I thought it might brighten your day to take a walk into the world of fantasy and summer sounds. It also has the moral message for us to 'be happy and Bloom where we are planted', regardless the situation and circumstances.

(I wish that I knew how to transfer my cute graphics to this Blog site...in order to make it cuter, more visiable and realistic...but guess you'll just have to use your imagination.) Have a happy and blessed day!!! Everyday.

Turtle Trails

By Gloria Helleson (cw)

Hey there, won’t you come take a slow trip with me,
Slowly but surely.... the world’s awaiting beauty... this you will see.

Yes, I am just a lowly little turtle... and I hide here... deep within my shell,
But I am very, very happy...and I survive very, very well.

I am just a plain ever-day turtle....I crawl very slowly... day after day.
I often crawl up the hillside.... and watch all my animals friends play.

Sometimes I even crawl down to the big ocean...and down by the sea,
to see my older cousins who are huge...but also look just like me.

You see, beside them, I am tiny... only a few inches all around.
While the big SEA turtles are huge.... and some weigh over 300 pounds!!!

Some of my family are so small.... that they start out as tiny as a dime.
While my big cousins are huge....our shells have the same beautiful design.

My Mother and Daddy were tiny...and that’s the way I’ll always be.
But NOT my cousins...they are GIANTS ....and they live in the sea.

They call my cousins SEA Turtles, which is so funny, I think.
It seems weird that they can float....when it seems like they should sink!

We are all proud of our pretty block patterns.... God created them for our back.
He painted them all different colors and shapes.... and our bodies to retract.

Beautifully God loved and created us...each in His own very special way.
When dangers comes near us...we quickly PULL OUR BODY IN & wait till it goes away.

I’m sure you’ve heard the many, many stories..... about the “Turtle and the Hare”
But you know, that rabbit is
one of my best buddies..in the meadow..we play everywhere.

On pretty days when I am sunning.... the butterfly comes and sits down my nose.
Then quickly he flutters away in the warm morning breeze....with mud upon his toes.

Sometimes I go walking in the cool of the evening.........this time.... I love so well.
Because another new world arises, as the air fills with night voices & music begins to swell.

The old Bullfrog begins his deep “BA-Ribbet”.....the toad frogs begin singing their tune,
The crickets begin their cherping....as the hoot owls haunting...
fills the dark lagoon.

Distant cayotes begin their yapping....they are about to make their nightly run,
As they teach their children how to find food on the prairie...to romp and have fun.

The big fish in the bottom of the waters....all come swimming to the top
Their looking for flying insects drinking....on the water as they quickly stop.

The fish want to fill their up their tummies.... and it’s all just a happy game
As they flip high above the water, laughing,...and then go back down again!

The chattering old summer locust....the grasshoppers and green Katydid...
All hush their noisy singing and chatter...as the evening sun is quickly hid.

Yes, I like the cool of the evening..... and I listen as the distant night hawk cries.
Then watching the sun go down slowly.... as I am engulfed in.... beautiful “fireflies“!

You people call them “Lightening Bug” .....and that’s easy for me to understand
But isn’t it great.... how they light up the darkness......just like God had planned?

As night time closes in, the whole world is silent.... and into quietness it creeps.
So, I crawl slowly back into my favorite little mud hole,...I sigh...and fall...fast, fast to sleep!

Then suddenly, comes the morning Sun Rise ....and I just love the break of dawn.
Refreshed, I am watching everyone awaken....even the Mother Deer and her baby Fawn

The Fawn is God’s special creation, so spry and beautiful... and filled with great curi-osity.
She comes to sniff my shell., then paws my back......so slowly but ever so inquisitively.

I just hide deep inside, secretly laughing...because I know... to her...it’s just a game.
She only wants to check me out.......then she’ll return....right back to where she came.

Oh, and I really love all the pretty flowers..... that grow near my favorite pond.
they all have different smells, shapes and colors...like a fairy waving her magic wand.

They swing and sway in soft gentle winds...just like music in the breeze.
Their wonderful sweet fragrance rise up and away...into the tall oak trees.

Yes, God created me special and different...a mighty long, long time ago,
Cause, way back in the Garden of Eden..... Adam named me, you know!

My forefathers who lived in the past were honored,...when Noah put them on his Big Boat.
He kept them there safely in his Ark........till the flood waters no longer let them float.

Oh, how I love the life of a turtle...even though I am as SLOW... as I can be,
But I have learned not to wish... to be like others and just to be happy.... happy to be ME!

Yes, God created us all.... and WE ARE ALL HIS little children...from the Mountain to the Sea.
Cause God is a Good God, He can do anything...He is Mighty ....and HE LOVES YOU AND ME!!!
Signed: The lowly, but highly respected, Little Turtle.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day...

Happy Valentines Day...today and everyday.

BECAUSE....JESUS CHRIST is our FIRST Valentine! He is Thee only Perfect LOVE. He loved us so much that He said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do". So, Happy Valentines Day, with all of HIS richest of blessings.

Well, my day started off great....as each of our past 51 Valtentines day's together have been...., that is....counting my husbands and my.... 2 teen years of dating as well. ha ha

I began the day... by placing a VOICE mail recording on my husband's cell phone of our favorite song, "I'll love you... until the 12th of Never" by Johnny Mathis...dear old 50's/60's era of love songs. He LOVED IT.

He left for work at 5:30 AM ....and I awoke to a darling little stuffed, golden, fuzzy tiger with the cutest coal black little ears....as he was holding a huge valentines card and two red roses....representing the 'two of us...together' through it all.

Every year has been super and this was a great continuance. We have both always dearly loved the celebration of Valentines Day....everyday ....and the older that we get...the MORE we treasure every moment.

Yesterday we went to visit our dear, dear friends---he is now on Hospice---in a care center. We were PREPARED to put OUR BEST FACE forward with jokes and laughter.

We took goodies to this dear 90 yr. old Pastor (who truly never retired...just refired for Christ..ha ha) and his darling beautiful wife of 11 years younger. They dearly LOVED what we took them.....which was the cutest little white cuddling Bears (lovers) placed inside of a bouquet of fiber optic hearts and flowers...along with a huge box of VALENTINE'S COOKIES. (which he immediately had to eat and pass around...as he ate his favorite Blue Bell ice cream.)

He dearly loves cookies...food and laughter...in that order! ha ha Just kidding...his wife is the CENTER of earthly God given gifts! Like A Queen, Royalllll, so neat to watch.

She is rather renown Opera singer, been on Broadway, now retired of coarse but still is booked constantly in our area. And at her age, I think she is absolutely tops. They both are lead singers for the Baylor Senior Choir as well. They are just a picture perfect/cute Senior couple ...who both lost their 1st spouses to cancer about ten years ago. They KNOW the treasure of life...and show it moment by moment each day!!!

Today tho, he is on Hospice. This will their last Earthly Valentines day together and they are so wonderful to watch....amazing is a better word. Such an example for everyone.

He is a jokester....she is perfect Grace and poise---so opposite. Even tho he was in great pain...on heaviest of injected drugs...for bone cancer...from the top of his head to the tip of his toes....He was still able to joke and carry on... (set an example for everyone of Christ's power over death)

We teased him about 'getting out of that bed'....so he felt he HAD to prove how GREAT he still is...at 90+ years...SO....in his best 'store bought pajamas and wild colored SOCKS..ha ha... he said to me...in front of a large group of visitors to his room "look here Glory, see what I can STILL DO..."

He then kicked his leg up in the air....as if he was in a 'CHORUS-GIRL LINEUP in New York City. "See, St. Peter is not ready for me jes yet!!!"

Ha ha...needless to EVERYONE was rolling in laughter...at his antics...his age and his determination...yet obvious pain. He is such an inspiration and delight.

So, today, IN HONOR OF Bro. John & all Hospice and my widow/widower friends....I would like to dedicate a SPECIAL Valentines love song of "I'll love you... until the 12th of Never" !!!!

We will see each other again,...... some sooner than others...because of Jesus...for us....Heaven is just a Breath Away. We REALLY CAN LOVE EACH OTHER UNTIL THE 12TH OF NEVER!!!! Hooray.

Lord, help us all to REMEMBER that Jesus really is who He says he is....OUR FIRST VALENTINE...LOVE...and He is still with us to help carry us through all things.... THIS VALENTINES DAY.....AND....EVERY day in the future...for....ETERNITY.

Either way, because of Jesus-----WE WIN--- here.... or there!!! He is always with us and brings HIS PEACE which is beyond all understanding of man.

So, (to my blog-reading friends that do not write but are so kind).... from my heart to yours....... Happy Valentines Day, because Jesus is our Valentine, our Love, our Life and our Eternity. His promises are Sealed in Hearts.
And by the way..."Bro. John...Save a place for me/us.....We will sing again....:-)

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Freaky, freaky, Monday, not Friday...

For the 3rd time, since being on Google.blog's NEW version...this morning I pull up my blog as normal....and suddenly...there is nothing on the menu or dashboard. Just the postings themselves. After...Restarting time and again...with no results...then I follow the steps required for help... because it refused all my account info, names, addresses, password........ :-(

So naturally, I clicked to have them send me my password--by email---as it is an offered help from Google.

They email back that none of my information is ANY WHERE on google blog accounts. & to start a new accnt...... Nothing!!! (what...I've been using this accnt since last July 06 and even last week repeatedly???)

So I go back RE-SIGN up with their NEW ACCOUNT....AGAIN---STARTING another blog. All those requirement were met & was completed properly. YUK!..... time consuming.

Finally, with that all done....I then GO BACK TO MY OLD ACCOUNT....and suddenly....everything that HAD BEEN MISSING EARLY in the morning is 'right back in place,.... all neat and cozy, proper....as if this whole hullabaloo was a mirage!!!

Additionally---up until last week....I could write with COLORS of my choice just like my regular email box/menu board....then suddenly...NOW....Google's new version menu only offers bold and Italics...... is there a hidden jinx around here that I didn't see??? ha (like most of my friends...I LIKE COLORS to add zest to life...to writings, etc.) So WHATHOPPENED??? ha Let me know if you know the answer.

Lord, help me have a better sense of humor....my patience was shot... from the get-go...ha ha Internet...Inter insanity. ha ha

(but it's still lots of fun and awesome when it all goes well.) hummm, sort of like.... 'life itself'.... I'm humbled. Have a happy Monday and week ahead!


Thursday, February 08, 2007


Yesterday was so utterly beautiful and unseasonably SPRING time, that I bought a bunch of bulbs for planting at our patio. Late in the afternoon, I sat with my cats and my neighbors beautiful dog,a giant Great Perinese, at my feet enjoying the warmth of the awesome sunshine. (my hands and feet stay cold these days). :-(

After reading the 'planting' instructions of my new bulbs, I realized that it was a bit too soon to plant them. Light bulb---it's not GOD'S TIME. HE rules even 'Mother Nature' ya know. ha ha :)

Then I remembered what Jesus said in the book of Mark about planting seeds...because we use these Scriptures a lot in presentations that I do at various churches and groups about missions and starting new churches.

We have had the neat joy of helping start three different local Cowboy churches in Central Texas---usually by giving them cases of Bibles for starters, as we have done for years for the thousands of kids in prisons & detention centers in our state (age 10-20).

I dearly LOVE both kinds missions...planting seeds/or Bibles if you will...yet not always getting to see the harvest...

That's God's Job...
hummmmm (lest some would forget... hummm)ha (not meant to offend anyone but some of my blog-reading friends know exactly what I mean..ha ha):-)

The kids in prison...are in a captured situation and audience; lonely, rejected, rebellious, but amazingly willing to listen 'for a way out'...or a change from their present pain...'a HOPE ROPE is what I teasingly say to break the ice each night. They seem to love it.

Yet the Cowboy church (and even one INDIAN church...not India...but Indian) is totally different and still amazing....but yet also some of the same similarities.

Most are also, sort of rebellious and somehow in life have been made to 'feel different'....sometimes by their own choices...and again like incarcerated kids...by things that they culturally didn't have a lot of control over---but it DID effect their lives physically, mentally, spiritally and emotionally.

For the greater part...these are folks who would NEVER set foot inside the doors of a regular church service...church house...tent revival or brush arbor. :-)

But say the word.... "Cowboy"....and they feel OK..."hey, that's for me!

(If pastors of 'Regular churches' sometimes feel 'put upon' by their congregation...it would be beneficial if....they could work one week as the pastor of a flock of 'very STRONG WILLED...minded'.... Cowboys and Cowgirls. Whew!)

Beautiful people....yes, God's people...but due to tough or unusual backgrounds, past/even present issues and personal agenda's the average pastor would BEG the Lord to keep themselves in a 'regular...church. (please...this is said with 'tongue in cheek,) BOTH kinds of Pastors and churches are so greatly needed. CHURCH PLANTING comes in many different kinds...but the message is the SAME --to see Christ make the changes. You and I are just his called messengers....and what a joy when it happens! Wow.

Yesterday morning, I was with 100+ pastors and missionaries attending a regular conference at Baylor's Truett Seminary and I came across the following story that I'd like to share & bless somebody's/your day. I thought it was rather neat.

"One day an old Monk was walking down the road and he found a beautiful and most valuable jewel/stone. He put it in his bag. He met a man down the road who begged for money. The old Monk opened his bag. The other man saw the beautiful stone and he asked the Monk 'if you don't have any money, I'll take that pretty stone'.

Immediately the old Monk handed the man the stone. The man walked away, overjoyed at his new treasure.

A few days the man CAME BACK to the old Monk...and handed him BACK his beautiful stone. The old Monk was puzzled and asked, "Why did you give it back?'

The man looked him in the eyes and said, ''because kind sir, I want you to tell me 'HOW YOU were ABLE to give away the only treasure that you have'.

Moral(my words...): Giving of your treasures is the greatest gift that you can give. Be it your TIME, ENERGY, WISDOM, KINDNESS, UNDERSTANDING, A LISTENING EAR, or planting the SEEDS of Jesus Christ...even just reflecting him to the world....at the mall...in the traffic...in the grocery store.... or local Wal-mart. Church planting...is really..... CHRIST PLANTING.~~~~~~~~~~ :-)

As I enjoyed that warm sunshine yesterday evening, I thought to myself....to me, our mission work (or anybody's) is like the above story. The greatest joy comes from planting seeds/sharing what you have already received--- You don't have to have a lot..and nope, we may never live to see the BLOOMS...

Because only God sends the rains, the sunshine....after we plant/give/share/work. We are just the Sower...He is the Master GARDENER...and All is 'In His time'.

I love to use the following in presentations and people are always asking for copies. I think it is very fitting as a closing, so I hope you like it.

I call it.... "to be young..."

To be young is to study in schools...that you did not build.
To be mature is to build schools.... in which you will not study.

To be young is to swim in pools.... you did not dig.
To be mature is to dig pools.... in which you will not swim.

To be young is to sit under trees...which you did not plant.
To be mature is to plant trees...under which you will not sit.

To be young is to Dance to music...which you did not write..
To be mature is to write music...to which you will not dance.

Lastly: Church planting...Sharing Christ..

To be young is to Benefit from a Church...which you did not make.
To be mature is to Make a Church...which you will not benefit from.
(you do it for others...and His Glory and Kingdom)

BE A SOWER of His Seeds---Mark 1-14.
Let it be: For Him.....to them....
To God be all Glory, Honor and Praise!!! Blessings to you!


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Exchanging a Cross for a Crown....

Today's writing is serious because I feel very, very serious. Two very close friends have called me FIRST from hospitals.... to let me know that they have each just been told that they are now on 'HOSPICE'. Both are devoted Christians. One is a 90 year old, darling old time Preacher since age of 17 years old...he's seen it all as they say. He wrote a precious book that's in Baylor Un. library of his years as the pastor for a little country church near Lake Whitney, Texas. He's been a pastor, horse trader, fieldhand, plow pusher, MID-WIFE, trucker, but always a Gospel teller and lover of people with tons of jokes to cheer the world. (I might also add...this dear one was also a great College Professor, Founder and Executive Director of the Central Texas Retired Pastors and Missionaries Conference and is presently one of the lead Bass singers for the Baylor University 100 member Senior Adult Choir that perform formal concerts throughout Texas each year....) "a happy heart doeth good'

Both of these dear friends somehow feel that I have a close connection to our Heavenly Father, because HE pulled me through with miracles to defeat deadly cancer TWICE. But my 'Prayer Warriors' and His science/equipment/technology... have me alive and well today.

Through those trying, horrific months, one year ago, HE...and ONLY HE...allowed me the witnessing power and GRACE to lead others (& myself) to a closer walk, knowledge (knowing/silence) and wisdom of 'How Great God really is"...and how that he really does send 'peace beyond ALL human understanding'. No, it doesn't take away carnality, (sad to say) but it bring peace and joy in place of a brokenness.... that cannot be explained or known...until YOU ARE THERE.

I still have many health problems...but hey, I am alive...and feel joyful and still desire to please ONLY Him...and to help others as well... that brokenly CALL me on the phone virtually wanting me to tell them my story---so that THEY too can be hopeful and find peace in the worst of un-peace-able circumstance...Facing death.
Sometimes---it scares me---at what words that God PUTS INTO MY MOUTH....my writings, cards and poems... that somehow seem to help those in Hospice. (a word that I can't stand...sorry)

Shakingly...but most humbly, I have to fully give All honor/praise to God...because the real me...wants to run....run as fast as I can...to hide from the truth---for them and for me.

Yes, I believe fully & emphatically in God's word...but my carnal side simply does not want to accept the fact that I am not going to SEE my friend for very long down here. We are simple humans, weak, weary & worn...especially in Senior years.

Last year when I was told to 'prepare'...get things in order....er er....to die...it was shocking....because like both of my friends today....I also FELT GOOD....I thought that I was Okay. Denial. (every emotion in the book...comes out in the beginning, believe me and it has zilch to do with 'what level of a Christian that you are'...shock takes over and Wow...does Satan LOVE stuff like that...especially if you are a Christian---he wants to beat you to a pulp and spit in your face, laughing.

As stated...like both of my friends....I had 100's upon 100's praying for me, church after church because as missionaries we are consultants for over 130 churches in Central Texas---therefore, they all put me on their prayer listings. PTL

All this is to say....to encourage others...that even tho my carnal side was alive and well....and even tho satan also was alive and well on the attacks daily-----still God brought that Revolutionary PEACE beyond understanding, Hope when things were so hopeless.

Also during this period of time and out of love for my husband and concern for those who constantly called and cared...God gave me the wisdom/strength/knowledge to sit down prepare all legal matters...my funeral, grave placement....
and yes...through many, many tears...but always followed by a feeling from HIM....'well done, my good and faithful servant'.

Why, because it was saving somebody else....a ton of stress, brokenness & worry when they didn't deserve anymore troubles in their life.

Also,since, as the youngest child in my own family....many years ago I was given the duty by my own parents to 'take care of our FAMILY CEMETERY plots'...naturally, I had to make plans for someone to take over that duty after I was gone. So I chose my own place beside my Daddy/Mom... I also got someone else to take over 'my duty' in case of my death.

(Thank God, prayers were answered, I am alive and I didn't have to use any of this...but that step did take care of necessary and important business matters that would NOT have been done otherwise.)

During this process, as morbid as it might seem...God truly is there. God whispered an epitaph for me...because I like poetry....it was simple. "Here I lay my burden down...exchanging a Cross for a Crown"

****** This is what I pray for BOTH of friends today, who are now suddenly in HOSPICE. Lord, please pick up their pain/burden and cross of sorrow...give them their rightly deserved CROWNS for tomorrow.

A CROSS for a CROWN....Jesus did that for us...

He went to a horrible, wooden cross with blood and a pain filled body... beyond belief and grief....

We can too...... We WILL too!!!



The Law is the Law...sometimes funny/weird

I would like to make a QUICK REFERENCE to my last posting concerning my having to sign a 'legal' WAIVER to the doctors and hospital....that 'if I should die from this Experimental Surgery and Cancer Treatment....that I vowed to NOT SUE them.

Am I missing a point or something here? ....or does this seem a 'little crazy' to anyone else in this world?

Think about............IF I died.....HOW in the freaking world would I....be able to sue ANYBODY?

Hummm. Is there something here that no one has ever told me about death?

(with the sense of humor that the Good Lord gives us....I have to resort to the fact that 'somewhere...out there in the past....some BIG BRIGHT LAWYER (HAHA)...big politician (HAHA) or law firm (HAHAHAHAHA_...made BIG BUCKS over writing up 'all these LEGAL protections for hospitals/research centers and doctors... and guess who.....probably HELPED PAY for all that stuff. ha ha This is just something to think about? Have a happy day, count every Blessing that our Lord gives.



Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Wow, it's nice to be loved...I think...


After two bouts of almost deadly cancer (doctors words, not mine)....I really think of myself as a special Miracle... that God has blessed many, many times throughout my lengthy years. I survived the first cancer now 12 years ago, when doctors said I was within in two hours of seeing my Lord face to face.

The second time, they told me to 'prepare---get everything in order',........ sign this waiver that you won't sue..... if you don't make it through this experimental surgery and treatment.

And yes, praise God...thanks to my hundreds of dedicated Prayer Warriors and family members....a year later...I am alive and doing well------HOORAY!!!-------or so I thought, until I got a telephone call last night.... where someone very dear was calling to check on me.... because she had just found out that...... 'I WAS ON A DONORS LIST for a new liver or kidney'. " A Donors Lists".......

sayyyy whaat? Holy cow, mercy me.... I'm on a donors list...and no body has told me??? hummmm. Did I miss one of my seven oncologists appointment or conferences? Did I go to sleep for a year and just now ...I just woke up? ~~~~ Help, somebody clue me in, here. VanWinkle, huh???

Now, I have to say....I truly LOVE and appreciate alll my awesome friends, family and prayer warriors...without them I promise you....I really would not be here....but THANK YOU, FATHER.... because of YOU.... I don't think that I am anywhere on a 'Donors List"??????????

Now, after so many drugs... maybe I have a problem here & don't even know it ...when was I ever put on a donors list. Think hard. Drugs are pretty powerful now..... : ) ....... (maybe it could be for a brain...if they are able to do that.... but liver...kidney??? ) I don't think so......

Honestly...and....humbly, I most gratefully say, "no thanks', I have had plenty....

I don't believe I care to have another helping of unsolicited surgical pain. I have enough scars to last a lifetime. aurrrg.......... : (

But I have to say that I feel very Honored to have someone, somewhere to CARE enough to add me to such a worthy list....just in case. ~~~~~~ That is so thoughtful and I love em dearly but yes, dear ones---who ever you are, where ever you are...., I think for the time being....I will try my best to pass by this nice little compliment.~~~~ha ha ha~~~~~~~~ : )

Seriously tho.....things like this really do make you humble and grateful. Bring a smile and friendly chuckle...because SOME one really was so concerned---or has hearing worse than mine. ha ha And maybe.... possibly...... even God wanted me to 'look' to where I COULD be instead of where He awesomely placed me! I love you, Lord, Selah..... Gratefully, I am Your child, Gloria


Monday, February 05, 2007

I am one day older today, how about you?

I awoke this morning with this bright NEW thought....wow....it was so astounding....that I wished that I had GONE BACK TO SLEEP. ha ha ha

Aging....this is constantly a new daily event at my age....always some kind of ache.....(but, hey,.... life does not come with a Sears money back Guarantee)....unlike how you feel when you really are young. Each new sunrise is welcomed blessing.... in a different and with greater appreciation. This morning however, I had a new point of humor about my aging process.


I am STILL the same young little girl.....who is now.....wrapped up in WRINKLES and ROLLS....

(cinnamon rolls, Tootsie rolls, buttered yeast rolls------parenting roles, grandparenting roles, friendship roles, teaching roles and this is just a new wrinkle in my way to look at life) ha ha

Maybe .....I really ought to get more sleep. ha ha ha....... (ya reckon????) ha


What If.....

What if your own precious little toddler.... accidently wandered away, far outside?
Into the darkness of night, with hundreds of dangers....where death could quickly reside.
What if your little one chose to simply venture...far beyond his knowledge and years?
Now in grave danger, he is lost...surrounded by the darkness, scared, engulfed in his tears.

What would you PAY, SAY or DO...to try to save your own... little innocent child?
What would YOU risk or spend to rescue...your own little one... from the evils of the wild?
Are you willing to light up the torches...to erase the ugly darkness along the way?
Will you give your time and money...just how many others....would you eagerly pay?

How many Prayers would you lift...or tears would you shed until this Search is done?
Just to Save your own precious lost....your wandering, endangered..so beloved little one?

For these answers you ALREADY know...from deep within your own broken heart,
You would do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING...you'd be... the very first to start!

Well, Jesus reminds us to responds the same to Others....all the Lost, rejected and alone.
For we're created to reach out to all walks of life...help them the same as we would our own.
Yes, even the rebellious, the wayward, dirty, repulsive... rejected and even the evil ones, too.
He says to 'light the torches'... erase their darkness...yes...let them see Jesus through you.

For it is not about Who's child is lost....and wandering, alone and lost in the forsaken Outside,
It's really, about EVERY LOST CHILD...and where the "light of Jesus"...inside you... resides.

We are so blest. Help with a hand UP, not just hand-outs.
All praise, honor and glory to HIM.
Matthew 25 "Whatever you do unto the Least of these, you do also unto Me".....
