Celebrate TODAY....And Everyday!
This is a day of very MIXED emotions for me.
The Texas sunshine is beaming down so beautifully and it's to be an awesomely perfect warm day in the middle of Winter. A blessing that most anyone dearly treasures, (especially me, as I am not a Winter person...I love all the new seasons as they approach but Autumn is my favorite.)
But even with the beauty and unusual warmth of this awesome day...a part of my heart is aching...because yesterday....my dear old friend, mentor and Christian humorist left this earth...met Jesus face to face.
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-9, clearly reminds us that 'For everything there is a SEASON, and a time for every matter under heaven... A time to be born...and a time to die---time to weep and time to laugh.
Yesterday....At 90 years of age, my beloved old Pastor, close, close friend died from this life to finally receive his promised reward. Wow, how wonderful that we believers will never suffer again...no more cancer from 'top of head to bottom of the feet'....no more needles, no more knives...no more tears, sorrow...or guilt for feeling you are the reason for anothers tears...in their love and caring for you. Justified REWARD, hooray...music to sooth every part of the soul...getting to SEE loved ones again...Wow...what JOY, Peace,......hope....all because of JESUS!
Today, tho I AM VERY HAPPY that John is not suffering anymore.... I also hurt for ....my friend...his beloved little wife,.... who now quietly sits stoic, with a Godly presence and awesome example of 'Grace'....ALONE. ...... :-(
I love her as well and ache for her pain and loss.
Millions of beautiful flowers, floral bouquets, ....awesome CARDS....laden with heartfelt writings of encouragement and scriptures, so many visiting friends......all seem lost..... amid the vastness of being ....ALONE.
Tons of hugs mean so much....but it cannot take away........being ALONE.
(so many of my widow friends (& widowers) have told me...."there is absolutely no greater loneliness or unspeakable pain....as that of a Lifelong soul mate....no words for that word...ALONE.
Even tho we all know that ...."When we are at our weakest---God is at HIS strongest"....then and only then....can we endure the loneliness without the earthly, God chosen, LifeMate. (today.....my friend is trying so hard....)
Today, to my other dear friends who read my blog.....please simply.... take time to add my friend (along with all widows and widowers) to your daily prayer list. As we each KNOW...our prayer...is Gods link to THEIR Hurting HEARTS.
If YOU are also a widow, like my friend this morning....please know that I am praying for you. ...for your enjoyment of God's most radiant rays.... of His....SONlight on this beautiful day...today and everyday. May there be JOY in our mourning....and in thee Morning, TODAY! May we all lean, learn and reflect HIS Glory to others in their need.
Thank you each for being my friend...(for you are my earthly joy and treasure). May we all join together to help each other through the rough roadways and darkned pathways of this life. Jesus promised 'If I go and prepare a place for you...I will return for you' Wow!!!
And I can't wait to see Brother John up there....to hear his beautiful voice.... his laughter..... and his funny JOKES. (He probably met St. Peter with one when he walked up to the gate!!! ha ha)
God bless you this day....and everyday. (...You and I hold the key to someone else's happiness each day, .....our prayers unlock the door.) Luvya....g